Friday, October 3, 2008

Should You Use Social Networking Sites to Build Buzz?

I interviewed social networking expert Paul Gillin for the September issue of my Build Book Buzz free e-zine; here's what I learned about using social networking sites to build buzz:
  1. It's essentially a process for building relationships one-by-one. If you're lucky, you might get a little viral action out of it.
  2. Because it's not a great method for reaching a large number of prospects quickly, it will help our businesses and organizations the most if what we're trying to do is establish our credibility as experts. For example, I will probably focus my social networking efforts on showing my expertise in a way that might generate speaking engagements rather than promoting my writing business or selling more books.
  3. Good use of social networking sites and activities will have the greatest impact on businesses that have a very focused target market. That might be based on geography -- your own community, for example -- or a niche that is reachable through special interest networks.
To learn what Gillin had to say, subscribe at and use the link in the subscription confirmation e-mail to read the September 2008 issue on the archive page.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Social Networking sites are proved to be very useful to improve any kind of business online...

Anonymous said...

Considering that there are now so many social networks catering to such a wide range of niches, my biggest problem is finding ones relevant to me and related to my specific interests or product niches. Google seems to be inefficient and returns alot of irrelevant results. A good resource that I use to find them is this search engine for social networks called

Anonymous said...

Great tip, Turbochargeman! Thanks for sharing.